Providing shelter for orphaned girls
In January 2014, the non-profit organisation Comunità Cristiani nel Mondo officially opened the “Carlo Acutis” Group Home in the village of Kitwiru (urban district of Iringa, Tanzania). The facility currently hosts 16 young girls and teenagers who have been orphaned or whose families are in difficulty, and also operates as a recreational centre for the local children and a meeting place for the young people and the communities that make up the Parish.
The Comunità Cristiani nel Mondo association was established in Agrigento in 1969 for the world to experience the spirit of the Beatitudes, in a vital synthesis of prayer and action. It is made up of groups of families, Priests and Nuns (Disciples of the Redeemer), who work together on various charitable projects, pooling their respective talents. This has led to the construction of schools, shelters and counselling centres, as well as the provision of spiritual and material support to the disadvantaged.
In Tanzania, in addition to the Carlo Acutis Group home, the association operates in Ipogolo (Iringa), assisting needy children, also by dispensing medicines.
In Italy, it is present in Rome, and in Agrigento, Catania and Palermo in Sicily.